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Barry Costa

mandala for breathwork

Three words I would use to describe KateLyn:

Gentle, Pure, Powerful

KateLyn turned me onto Breathwork in June 2022. I’m her husband, so I thought I would be a good supportive partner and go along with things… It’s now years later and I feel increasingly more relaxed in my body. Initially I was skeptical that simply breathing could help me feel “clear” or “happy” in the body. Boy was I dead wrong. It’s amazing how much Breathwork has changed my life!!! Now I look forward to the daily practice and I continue to feel more clear, spacious, and harmonized in my Body, Mind, and Spirit!

Breathe With KateLyn

Newest Blog Posts

Words to inspire, educate, and improve your life and breath practice. Your nervous system will thank you!

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My Journey Through Mold Recovery: Integrating and Healing with Breathwork

How Breathwork can help you in high stress situations, trauma, or a life crisis

What does bottom up approach and somatic healing mean by KateLyn Costa 2

What does “bottom-up” approach and somatic healing mean?

Breathwork is a somatic healing practice that uses a bottom-up approach to heal.

Does Breathwork Help Stress and Anxiety by KateLyn Costa Breathwork Guide

How Does Breathwork Help Stress and Anxiety?

If you’re feeling stressed or anxiety, your breath is your best friend.